Our Services

Illustration agency based in Manchester

We are a full-service creative digital illustration agency that specialises in helping businesses grow and succeed. Through our innovative and engaging illustration services, we help businesses communicate their services and products.

Your business may be looking for dynamic illustrations to enhance your branding efforts. Or you could be searching for compelling visuals to engage your audience. Our team has the expertise and experience to help you achieve your goals.

Sometimes only an illustrative route will do. Between our talented team of visual artists and concept illustrators, we can create an array of visual styles. These could cater for any tone and style of communication.

Smyths illustration agency sketch

Why Think?

We ensure you receive high-quality, creative, and customised artwork that effectively communicates your message and enhances your brand’s visual appeal. Our experienced team, collaborative approach and commitment to excellence make us a top choice for your illustration needs:

  • Iconography
  • Concept/ editorial
  • Infographics
  • Brand illustration

Let our portfolio do the talking…

Our illustration process

1. Understanding client needs

The process begins with an in-depth consultation where the team gathers information about the client’s requirements, objectives, target audience and any specific preferences. Then, we create a detailed project brief that outlines the scope, style, and key elements of the desired illustrations.

2. Sketching and preliminary designs

We hold creative brainstorming sessions to generate ideas and concepts that align with the client’s vision. Next, we create mood boards and style guides to visualise the direction and aesthetic of the illustrations. Based on the approved concepts, we draw initial sketches to establish the basic composition and layout. We then share these sketches with the client for feedback, ensuring the project is on the right track before moving forward.

3. Refinement and detailed illustrations

Once we approve the sketches, we develop detailed illustrations by adding intricate details and refining the composition. Next, we apply the chosen style and colour schemes to bring the illustrations to life.

4. Review and finalisation

We present the detailed illustrations to the client for review. Next, we gather feedback to make necessary adjustments. Based on client input, we revise and refine the illustrations to meet the desired standards and preferences. We then add final touches to ensure every detail is perfect. Finally, we prepare the illustrations in the required formats and resolutions, making them suitable for various applications such as print, web or multimedia.

Work with Think and bring your business to life through illustration.


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