We believe that creative and digital is no different to any other industry, and has a direct impact on the environment we live and work within.
A carbon balanced design and digital agency
We believe that creative and digital is no different to any other industry, and has a direct impact on the environment we live and work within.
Added to an increasing demand to demonstrate a commitment to being a sustainable business, environmental responsibility, and social impact, at Think, we have committed to working towards being Net Zero by 2030, and to combat greenwashing.
During this process we have embedded becoming a Net Zero business into our culture:
We engaged our team
To fully understand our direction, we worked alongside Alectro, facilitate employee engagement throughout this sustainability journey, and identify which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals resonated with them the most.
We looked closely at our supply chain
Taking a closer look at who we partner with has given us an insight into our suppliers and we have implemented strategies to ensure we work with suppliers who have the same net-zero aspirations.
We became a carbon balanced design agency
From October 2024, we are proud to announce that we have been assessed and accredited as an ‘A standard business’ with the Virtual Sustainability Officer®’s Climate Clarity Hub.
The assessment process is rigorous yet straightforward, ensuring that only companies genuinely committed to sustainability receive the highest accolades.
Explore our public profile to learn more.
Our carbon footprint audit identified how much carbon we generated as a business in 2023-2024, and outlined where we need to improve and how we can meet these goals.
Our carbon footprint have been offset through the support of a number of projects that meet our teams preferred UN Sustainable Development Goals. These projects were supported through GoldStandard.
You can view the certification confirming our offsetting by accessing the document here.
The projects we supported were selected as a team.
Improved Cook Stoves for Schools and Institutions in Uganda (GS4364)
Simoshi is a social enterprise improving livelihoods in Uganda by promoting energy-efficient institutional improved cook stoves (IICS) to schools. These stoves, sourced locally from Ugastove, reduce firewood consumption, improve health,and minimise environmental impact. Through payment schemes and free annual maintenance, Simoshi ensures schools can adopt and sustain the use of IICS, recycling carbon credit returns to expand their reach. Despite financial constraints, schools benefit significantly from the stoves’ impact on health, finances, and environmental conservation.
UN SDGs met:
1: No poverty
3: Good health and well-being
8: Decent work and economic growth
13: Climate action

27 MWP Solar PV Project by MH Technique Solaire India Private Ltd
The purpose of the project activity is to generate power using renewable energy source (solar energy) and sell the power generated to the state grid. The project activity generates electricity using solar energy. The generated electricity is exported to the regional grid system which is under the purview of the INDIAN electricity grid of India. The project activity replaces anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases estimated to be approximately 50,776 tCO2e per year, thereon displacing 54,203 MWh/year amount of electricity from the generation-mix of power plants connected to the INDIAN GRID, which is mainly dominated by thermal/ fossil fuel based power plant. The total installed capacity of the current project activity is 25 MW (27 MWp); which involves operation of Solar PV Project in the state of Maharastra in India. The project is promoted by MH Techniquen Solaire India Pvt. Ltd.
UN SDGs met:
7: Affordable and clean energy
8: Decent work and economic growth
13: Climate action

Burn Stoves Project in Kenya (GS5642)
Project involved manufacture and distribution of JikoKoa improve cookstoves. The stove has higher efficiencies compared with baseline stoves commonly used in the country.
UN SDGs met:
1: No poverty
3: Good health and well-being
8: Decent work and economic growth
13: Climate action